Tipping Point for Planet Earth—How Close Are We To The Edge? Thomas Dunne/St Martins Press, April, 2016). 264 pp. USA edition of End Game (which was published in the UK in 2015). Anthony D. Barnosky and Elizabeth A. Hadly, 2016.

Better than excellent . . . a real page turner that entertains as it explains why we're headed for a global tipping point that is way beyond just climate change. Tipping Point for Planet Earth is in a whole new class.

End Game, Tipping Point for Planet Earth? HarperCollins / WilliamCollins (UK), 272 pp. Anthony D. Barnosky and Elizabeth A. Hadly. 2015.  

Barnosky and Hadly have travelled the world as scientists, but in this book they speak to us as people. A brave and beautiful account of what is really at stake in the current global crisis.

Dodging Extinction—Power, Food, Money, and the Future of Life on Earth.  University of California Press, 240 pp. Anthony D. Barnosky, 2014.  

Nothing short of a guidebook for saving the planet; one of NPR’s Science Friday best science reads of 2014; one of the 12 best out of the 200 UC Press titles published in 2014 .

Heatstroke: Nature in the Age of Global Warming.  Island Press, 269 pp.  Anthony D. Barnosky, 2009.

Writing with the eloquence of travel and nature-writing yet also cramming the book with data, he compares the combination of global warming and longer-standing ecological problems to "a wrecking ball breaking down in hours a building that took years to construct". What's needed, he says, is a new form of conservation focusing on saving not only wild lands, but also on helping species adapt.